In a first for the GCC region, GISEC 2018 delegates will be able to see machine learning and big data applied to addressing the problem of emails sent to the wrong recipient, one of the most significant data breach risks for organisations of all sizes. The solution is provided by London-based data privacy and risk management company Egress Software Technologies, which is participating at GISEC 2018 in Dubai from 1-3 May, with the United Kingdom’s Department of International Trade (Stand B1).
Egress Switch Threat Protection addresses the problem of the accidental send – when commercially and personally sensitive information is unintentionally released to the wrong recipient, often through a misaddressed email. A common example of this is due to the autocomplete feature of many email clients, when a user sends to a recipient with the same first name as the intended recipient.
While external threats to an organisation’s data security have been successfully mitigated using endpoint security, firewalls and encryption, the risk posed by insider human error have thus far seemed intractable. Arriving at a time when data breaches due to accidental loss are increasingly common, Switch Threat Protection uses machine learning and big data analysis to understand email usage patterns and historical email data, recognising and alerting users to misaddressed emails before they press send.
Egress is presenting a platform of market-leading privacy and risk management services at GISEC 2018, all designed to manage and protect unstructured data and enable end users to share and collaborate securely while reducing the risk of data loss. The platform also provides enhanced discovery and reporting functionality for ongoing compliance with regulatory frameworks like EU GDPR.