In a world where a huge chunk of data is being produced every second — from photos and videos that were taken during special occasions to more sensitive personal and corporate information — the need for reliable and high-quality data storage solutions is growing by the day. For this reason, Kingston Technology, the global leader in memory products and technology solutions, has embraced the all-encompassing global “Kingston Is With You” philosophy. Recently, Kingston formally unveiled the philosophy in the Middle East to highlight its commitment to provide technology solutions that individuals and businesses can count on at all times and in all situations.
The launch comes at a time when many intensified smart transformation initiatives are unfolding in the Middle East. The transformation is seen to further boost all things digital in everyday life in the region, thus leading to higher demand for modern storage products with high memory capacity. Under its philosophy, Kingston is further highlighting that through its data storage and memory solutions, which can hold more than 14 trillion gigabytes of information every year and protect data securely, it is a company that is ready to help customers with their various needs, from choosing more efficient systems to making the right storage choice and protecting their data to enhancing their data security set-up through encrypted technologies.
“Whatever they do and wherever they go, Kingston is with them. Each time they capture special moments of life in a recording; save memories of a trip; move company data from one device to another; or back-up important documents, we are here to offer them support through our range of data storage and memory products,” Antoine Harb, Team Leader for Middle East and North Africa at Kingston Technology, said.
“Apart from our solutions, our core strength also lies in delivering the necessary experience, knowledge, tools, and responsive customer services and support. Our commitment is to offer product solutions vital to technology infrastructures used by businesses and individuals on a daily basis. All these elements make up our robust market leadership in the Middle East and worldwide,” Harb added.
Many corporations, data centers, and technology enthusiasts rely on Kingston’s memory, storage products, and services. From flash drives and memory cards to high-end SSDs, Kingston offers a range of storage options with state-of-the-art features and capabilities. The company’s internal and external drives and memory cards are rapidly becoming the industry standard for the storage of more files, photos, and videos on a PC, camera, or phone.
Its range of NVMe SSD technologies, which seek to provide superior storage, speed, and compatibility, are utilized for applications such as servers and data centers, as well as laptops, desktop PCs, and gaming PCs. They are designed to improve the overall PC performance.
In terms of data security and protection, a baseline requirement for businesses, governments, and individuals, Kingston offers encrypted SSD, self-encrypting drives, and encrypted USB flash drives, which provide an important layer of protection against costly data breaches. These threat-prevention solutions are designed to help mitigate risks while complementing an existing or developing security plan.
Furthermore, Kingston’s server SSD and memory products directly support the global demand to store, manage, and instantly access large volumes of data in both traditional databases and big data infrastructures. Kingston successfully supports corporations to store and manage ever-increasing amounts of data through its consistent, rigorously tested memory and SSD products.
“Exceptional service, outstanding customer experience, and dependable technology solutions are the cornerstones of Kingston’s overall business strategy. These are also at the crux of our latest ‘Kingston Is With You’ philosophy, which encapsulates our commitment to excellence and efforts to exceed expectations. It will be instrumental in the growth and expansion of the Kingston business in the Middle East and beyond,” Harb concluded.