
Two-i to Exhibit at GITEX to Showcase Video Analysis Software

For the second year running, Two-i will attend Gitex 2019 to present its unique video analysis software, which is called the Map, aiming to improve happiness in the cities. This solution was inspired by the progressive sustainable development goals that Two-i shares with Dubai.

Live analysis of demographic data, such as emotions, age and gender, helps to guide decision-making and measure the impact of initiatives. Happiness is a complex condition that involves a range of variables that are far from just detecting smiles on the faces. The goal is to foster diversity and inclusion for all. It is a virtuous cycle that begins with raw material processing, data collection, the study of data that leads to decision-making, which then leads to the generation of new data, which leads to new decisions, and so on.

Two-i is among the pioneers in the development of the Map: an interactive cartographic platform that collects and displays all the metadata generated from live video streaming. It allows the user to navigate in his own city and visualize in real time the levels of well-being in the different neighborhoods. By displaying a large amount of important information in such condensed stats, the Map revolutionizes the way city management is perceived. In addition, it has been designed to comply with the constraints of data anonymisation.

Two-i has a very creative team, which is cracking the challenges of integrating traffic and flow management solution and connecting external data into its already sophisticated platform in order to generate fully comprehensive Urban Data analytics. Moreover, Two-i’s Research team in collaboration with French hospitals has started medical trials for pain detection and analysis to reduce hospitalization time and increase the effectiveness of analgesic administration. This project allows the company to dig deeper into understanding the complexity of emotions.

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Chris Fernando

Chris N. Fernando is an experienced media professional with over two decades of journalistic experience. He is the Editor of Arabian Reseller magazine, the authoritative guide to the regional IT industry. Follow him on Twitter (@chris508) and Instagram (@chris2508).

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