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Are You Overdoing Your Marketing? Find Out What the Perfect Balance Is

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Does this saying apply to marketing? Let’s find out.

Lately, brands have been going overboard with marketing. Major brands are lauded for their marketing skills, but is it becoming too much? Are they over-saturating the market with advertisements, events, and giveaways?

Bombarding potential customers with incessant, inauthentic marketing messages will do more harm than good. At the end of the day, brand recall is very important, and you don’t want your customers to remember your brand for the wrong reasons.

In today’s age, with various channels available for marketing, there are more chances of brand fatigue. So, especially in this digital age, it’s best to keep your messaging and branding intentional and authentic.

Overwhelming customers
Believe it or not, overwhelming customers is a thing.

Would you buy from a company that constantly bombards you with emails, messages, phone calls, website pop-up ads that don’t close with just a click, and multiple social media posts a day that are not really relevant to the product they are selling? Let’s be honest—even though you might be aware of the brand, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you would trust it.

The growth of all the digital tools on the market, from automation to AI, has only made it worse.

Inconsistent messaging and over-promotion will only frustrate a potential customer. It’s important not just to implement the tools at hand but to implement them effectively so they yield the maximum results.

The best recipe for marketing lies in finding the right balance between technology and promotion without going overboard. Let’s discuss how you can do that here.

1. Keep it relevant
Lately, there’s been a growing interest in jumping on trends. Brands look at what’s trending on the internet and quickly hop on board. Using trends to market your brand will definitely increase user engagement and visibility. One might say that it’s one of the quickest and easiest ways to win popularity. But is it the best way?

The way these types of marketing strategies make your brand seem inauthentic is where it can hurt you the most. And if the current trending topic turns negative, that will hurt your brand, too. Jumping on every trend sends the wrong message to customers and can overwhelm audiences.

But first, how do you know what your audience wants?

  • Send out surveys and get to know what’s on their mind. Surveys are a great way to find out what your target audience wants so you can improve your marketing and, even better, your product and services to fit their needs and expectations.
  • Use a data analytics tool to analyze metrics related to online marketing. This includes social media marketing, affiliate marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Understand how your customers are engaging with these advertising methods and curate your marketing strategies accordingly.

What brands should not forget is that it’s important to curate their marketing strategies in line with the brand’s messaging, and they shouldn’t sway from that. The key is to promote your products and services in a way that resonates with your target audience and aligns with your brand’s identity.

2. Have a consistent voice
Your message often becomes ambiguous if your brand doesn’t have consistent messaging. How does consistent messaging and branding look?

Let’s take the case of Coca-Cola; the brand keeps its messaging consistent with an open, carefree, nostalgic appeal in all its branding and advertisements. It wouldn’t make sense for the brand to steer away from this messaging. Moreover, customers wouldn’t really be sure what to think of the brand or what to make of it if the messaging suddenly changed.

You could internally check all the marketing messages that go out by having a review team check the ideation, content, and messaging of the promotions, be they ads, webpage content, emails, or social media content.

Alternatively, you could use a solution like AppCreator to build workflows that keep the messaging in check for all the promotions that are published and used. AppCreator allows you to create workflows without needing extensive code, and it enables you to stay on top of your work with notifications about progress or process deviations.

3. Prioritise quality over quantity
More is not always better, especially when it comes to marketing. Always keep track of the marketing activities your company is undertaking and understand why.

Any marketing activity can take a long time, from ideation to implementation. During this process, you can sometimes lose sight of why you started the marketing activity in the first place. This happens all the time. The only way to avoid this is to keep reminding yourself of your original purpose. When you lose sight of why you are doing something, it can result in the over-promotion of a product or service.

Let’s take the case of social media. Often, companies start posting a lot of content without really considering why they are doing it. Maybe it’s because other brands are doing it, but that’s not a good enough reason to waste your time and energy on a campaign. Be very sure not to create an overload of any kind of promotion to keep the brand relevant, fresh, and effective.

A final word
It’s really tricky to find the perfect balance in marketing; we’re all figuring it out. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep the essential, basic points in mind to find a better way to navigate the complexities of marketing while you strive to strike the perfect balance. Until then, keep all branding messages relevant, use digital tools to really understand your target audience, and take their feedback seriously.

Figure out a way to review all the content that gets used, such as with a simple low-code app development tool, so you can monitor all the processes and identify if there’s any deviation from the brand’s intended messaging or the overall brand. Last but not least, more is not always better, so keep it simple, keep it fresh, and don’t lose sight of why you want to do something. Over-promotion and incessant marketing messages are a recipe for disaster, and all of us should steer clear of that.

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Chris Fernando

Chris N. Fernando is an experienced media professional with over two decades of journalistic experience. He is the Editor of Arabian Reseller magazine, the authoritative guide to the regional IT industry. Follow him on Twitter (@chris508) and Instagram (@chris2508).

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